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    Diversamente a teatro

    For three years, from 2014 to June 2017, Diversamente a teatro offered a training and work placement opportunity in the theatre sector to a group of young people with disabilities without distinction in terms of contract or economic level compared to other workers in the sector.

    This initiative is inspired by international models and is a pilot project made possible thanks to the support of Fondazione UmanaMente. Thanks to Diversamente a teatro, this group of young people became an integral part of the organisational structure of the theatre. THE STAFF bar has become the space in which this project has found concreteness and offers them the opportunity to express their professionalism. Thanks to the contribution of the Cattolica Foundation, the Valle dei Laghi Theatre has become a place for cultural aggregation, social integration and experimentation.

    After the closure of the Valle dei Laghi Theatre in Vezzano, this opportunity disappeared. Hence the idea of Associazione Atti, Oasi Valle dei Laghi and our foundation to give continuity to the initiative.

    Chef a teatro and Lettori Olimpici are the natural continuation of this project. Over the years they have in fact found continuity and support thanks to a network of sensitive and shrewd partners.

    A project by ATTI, Comunità Valle dei Laghi, Fondazione Aida, Associazione Oasi.

    Realised with the support of Fondazione Cattolica Assicurazioni and Fondazione Umanamente.

    Social network: music and theatre against bullying


    To raise students’ awareness on the issue of bullying, that is the set of actions of prevarication by one or a few people against an individual, or a small group, which tends to damage the image, relationships or rights of the victim.

    The institutions

    The project involved a group of students from the Istituto Manzoni in Suzzara, the Liceo Artistico Giulio Romano and the Liceo Classico Virgilio in Mantua.

    The Course

    The students involved will take part in twelve itinerant meetings.

    Some of them will be led by Dr. Paolo Breviglieri, a psychologist from ASL of Mantova. His intervention aims to present the main characteristics of bullying, the actors involved, the complexity of relationships between adolescents and the risks to which the new social technologies expose us.

    The remaining lectures are given by Nicoletta Vicentini, director of Fondazione Aida who has been developing social theatre projects for young people for years, and the rapper Andrea Bagni.

    The students presented the results of their work on the 16th May 2015 at the Anselmi Theatre in Pegognaga.

    If you don’t want to lose track of the stories and collect feed-back, a dedicated Facebook page is online: SOCIAL NETWORK: music and theatre against bullying.

    The role of Venetian Villas in the Great War

    The role of the Venetian Villas in the Great War is an initiative scheduled from the 11 April to the 23 May. In some of the Venetian villas you can learn about the role these gems played during the First World War. From administrative centres of agricultural production to summer residences of the Venetian nobility. Between the fifteenth and nineteenth centuries, many Venetian villas acquired new functions during the First World War, becoming headquarters for army corps, military hospitals and places of shelter.

    Four meetings are scheduled, respectively in Bassano del Grappa (Vicenza) – Villa Cà Erizzo Luca, Fumane (Verona) – Villa della Torre, Santa Maria di Sala (Venice) – Villa Farsetti, and Sedico (Belluno) – Villa Patt. Guided tours and a moment of in-depth analysis with readings and music to remember those days and reflect on the testimonies we have nowadays are scheduled for each event (free admission, booking required).

    Partners and collaborators

    Il ruolo delle Ville Venete nella Grande Guerra (The role of Venetian Villas in the Great War), an initiative organised by Fondazione Aida on a project by Prof. Gianni Moriani, with the support of the Veneto Region, as part of the programme for the commemorations of the centenary of the Great War, and Pixartprinting.

    The cow Casolina

    La Mucca Casolina (The cow Casolina) is a food education project which kicks off on 27 January at the Parona Primary School (Verona) and continues until May with 65 events in primary schools in the provinces of Vicenza, Treviso, Padua, Trento, Verona, Rovigo, Mantua and Brescia. The aim of the initiative is to tell children about the production chain of a cheese, its thousand-year old history and nutritional qualities.

    La Mucca Casolina (The cow Casolina) is a fairy tale that narrates the adventures of a poetess cow and her friends. The text is written by Pino Costalunga, a writer and director specialised in theatre for children, and co-artistic director of Fondazione Aida. Actor Gioele Peccenini narrates the tale in a workshop that will take place in the classroom, face to face with students and teachers. The educational path is completed by the didactic booklet illustrated by Sara Gitto, which will be distributed to children. In the booklet, the cow Casolina is accompanied by the various characters of “Happy Valley”: the dog Fido, the “salvanelli”, little elves from the Veneto folk tradition, Ettore the Cheese Maker and Prince Secondo. These likeable characters accompany the children on a discovery of the various stages in the production of Asiago DOP: from milking to maturing and curdling.

    The history of cheese making is one of the oldest in human history, and is even described in the Odyssey and in the Sumerian “Dairy Frieze”. It is a story handed down through the centuries and arrived around the year 1000 in the areas of the Asiago Plateau. In fact, to this fascinating tradition is linked the Asiago DOP cheese, between the provinces of Vicenza, Trento, Padua and Treviso.

    The initiative is promoted by Consorzio Tutela Formaggio Asiago with the collaboration of Fondazione Aida.

    The ABC – Brenner Motorway in the city

    How fast should I drive in the rain? What should I do when faced with a broken-down car? Who should I contact in an emergency? What are the best practices to follow when travelling on the road, especially on motorways?

    These are the objectives of L’ABC – l’Autostrada del Brennero in Città, the educational project of Autostrada del Brennero, carried out in collaboration with the Traffic Police, produced by Fondazione Aida and with the participation of the Tazio Nuvolari Museum, which will involve more than 2,500 students from secondary schools along the A22.

    Each stage will take place over the course of a morning and is divided into several moments:


    • viewing of Quando passa Nuvolari, a show with Jacopo Pagliari directed by Raffaele Latagliata, which recounts the intrepid adventures of the racing driver Tazio Nuvolari through the voice of his trusted mechanic
    • interactive workshop on road safety by Pino Costalunga, author, actor and director of children’s theatre.

    The topics covered by the workshop will be explored in depth thanks to the educational booklets produced for the project. This is a guide written by Pino Costalunga and illustrated by Tuono Pettinato, one of the most popular young comic strip authors.

    For some of the leg will be attended by the Traffic Police and Traffic Wardens which will be present with the supplementary didactic itinerary on the Pullman Azzurro and the Furgone degli Ausiliari, information stations where youngster will have the opportunity to directly understand what it means to travel in safety.

    The stages

    • 26 November / 9.00 a.m. and 11.00 a.m. / Mantua – Multisala Ariston
    • 04 December / 10.30 am / Carpi (MO) – Auditorium, Is. G. Fassi
    • 05 December / 9.00 / Bomporto (MO) – Teatro Comunale
    • 03 February / 10.30 / Reggiolo (RE) – Reggiolo Pool
    • 27 February / 9.30 / Pegognaga (MN) – Teatro Tenda Anselmi
    • 06 March / 9.30 / Gonzaga (MN) – Teatro Comunale
    • 17 April / 9.00 a.m. and 11.00 a.m. / Rovereto (TN) – Teatro Rosmini
    • 22 April / 10.30 / Bardolino (VR) – Corallo Theatre
    • 23 April / 9.30 am / Mezzolombardo (TN) – Teatro Comunale
    • 24 April / 10.00 / Pastrengo (VR) Auditorium
    • 28 April / 9.00 a.m. / Egna (BZ) – Auditorium, IC Bassa Atesina
    • 29 April / 10 am / Vipiteno (BZ) – Aula Magna, middle school

    Festival of Ville Venete

    After five months of magic, in the name of the culture and food and wine excellence of Veneto, the eighth edition of the Festival delle Ville Venete ends on Friday 30 October. The event will be closed by the well-known populariser of science and writer Alberto Angela.

    More than 150 events in Veneto and Friuli Venezia Giulia animated the Festival: a real project of itinerant, cultural, architectural and food and wine realization, an initiative successfully carried out by the Ville Venete Regional Institute under the patronage of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers, the Veneto Region, the Friuli Venezia Giulia Region and Anci Veneto.

    On Friday 30 October at 5 p.m., on the occasion of the Ceremony of the Villa Veneta Prize 2015, that will be held in the Sala dello Scrutinio of Palazzo Ducale in Venice, Alberto Angela will be awarded for his precious contribution to the enhancement and dissemination of the artistic, architectural and cultural heritage that he has been giving with his work for years. Presenting his latest book, ‘Viaggio nell’Impero di Roma seguendo una moneta’ (Journey into the Roman Empire following a coin), published by Mondadori, Angela will lead the participants through an ideal and intense journey to the borders of what was once the Roman Empire. Step by step, you will discover the behind the scenes of the first great globalisation in history. The book is ideally the continuation of ‘Una giornata nell’antica Roma’ (A Day in Ancient Rome), another editorial success of the cosmopolitan writer.

    Mozart, the little wizard of music

    The purpose of the initiative is to bring a wide audience of children, young people and adults closer to the character but above all to the music of Mozart, thanks to the magic of theatre and puppetry.

    At the centre of the narrative are Amadeus’ many journeys, the important and sometimes cumbersome figures in his life (his father Leopold, Archbishop Colloredo…), and above all his extraordinary ability to absorb all the music that came his way and return it in the form of masterpieces that miraculously combine great technical skill with an extraordinary immediacy of communication.

    The instrumental ensemble consists of violin, viola, clarinet, bassoon and harpsichord. On stage, the actors interact with figures and images: puppets and projections expand the theatrical possibilities of the story and the creativity supports, with imagination and intelligence, the musical disclosure.

    Mozart, the Little Sorcerer of Music was staged in 2015 as part of the Haydn Orchestra’s symphony season.