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    Legrebi – The Legend of the Great Birth

    2018 was the European Year of Cultural Heritage, on the occasion of this significant event Fondazione Aida took part in the European project LegreBi – The Legend of the Great Birth within the Creative Europe programme, which is still running.

    The goal

    The aim of the project is to use theatre to enhance the common European mythological heritage, starting from the myth of Creation and the fact that mythology hides a deep past and at the same time shapes the future of every people.


    The project is based on the creation of a play dedicated to the myth of Creation (Cosmogony) shared and staged in all six partner countries in the local language.

    This play, in fact, includes elements of the mythologies of most European traditions highlighting common elements and similarities rather than differences in order to lead the audience to a reflection on belonging to a common European identity.


    In addition to the staging of the play, the project also has a programme of parallel activities. The programme is extensive and consists of several “sub-events” addressing many forms and categories of audience.

    They are supporting events organised within the theatres, but also tools used outside the theatre. There are exhibitions, readings performed in libraries or in parks, facebook live events.

    We are currently working on an e-learning course and a web portal for professionals from all over Europe to share their experience and expertise with other professionals/cultural organisations across Europe.

    Activities to date include the creation of a publication focusing on creation myths and their common elements.

    Here is the link to our last live stream dedicated to the project.

    The partners

    The coordinator is TOPOS ALLOu-AEROPLIO theatre from Greece, involved are: Action Sinergy also from Greece, Teatr Krzyk from Poland, FOA – Fusion of Arts Association from Romania, Smashing Times Theatre Company Limited from Ireland and Stella Polaris from Norway, as well as our foundation for Italy.

    Publication here

    Reference site here

    Facebook here

    This project has been funded with the support from the European Commission. This document reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

    Fatti di Musica

    Mantua, Verona, Vicenza, Belluno and Ancona are the provinces involved in this initiative which, based on solid professional experience and scientific assumptions guaranteed by the partners, aims to involve the community at large. The initiative starts with children and then extends its impact to families and schools, proposing special actions and musical and theatrical productions to be disseminated in the areas of greatest interaction for the social and cultural growth and general well-being of the new generations.

    Based on scientific assumptions, “Fatti di musica” aims to have an impact on the entire community through musical and theatrical actions and productions specially designed and produced. The concerts and performances are the result of productive interactions between the partners with the scientific advice of CSB onlus, which, in collaboration with the partners, also organises training courses in the areas covered by the project.

    Fondazione Aida contributes with co-production, distribution and programming activities, organisation of seminars for library teachers, and summer camps for children where music, theatre and storytelling are the protagonists of the educational and recreational pathway. It is also active in the steering committee and in the coordination of training, production and distribution actions of the project with Oficina OCM, the lead organisation. The partnership and the project have been inspired and made possible by the “Valore Territori 2018” competition announcement by Fondazione Cariverona, with a contribution of € 200,000.


    A national network of 5 partners – led by Oficina OCM of Mantova and joined by Fondazione Aida of Verona, Centro per la Salute del Bambino Onlus “Nati per la Musica” (CSB onlus), Comune di Cassola (Vi), Centro Studi Vocali Nova Cantica of Belluno, Associazione Amici della Musica “G. Michelli” of Ancona.

    In our Home

    “A casa nostra” is an innovative project financed by the Veneto Region to “revive” the regional live performance system, dedicated to companies from the Veneto region that have been active in our region for at least three years (theatre, dance, music), called to operate in municipal theatres with artistic residencies to trigger virtuous mechanisms for the rebirth of the theatre as a creative and productive sector.

    We at Fondazione Aida are among the companies chosen and, with Febo Teatro, are developing a residency project at Fondazione Teatro delle Dolomiti.

    What are we doing?

    A rather complex theatrical project involving the staging of a new children’s theatre show, ‘The Secret of the Pied Piper’, which we will present to you between December and March.

    The project is realised by the Fondazione Teatro Comunale Città di Vicenza, leader of the municipal theatres, in partnership with Arteven – Circuito Multidisciplinare Regionale and with the Teatro Stabile del Veneto; artistic coordinator of the project is Giancarlo Marinelli, writer and director.

    In our Home is realised within the framework of the Accordo di programma Regione del Veneto. L.R. 22 febbraio 1999, n.7 – art. 51.

    B&B (Snow White and Sleeping Beauty) in the incaRtata Valley

    B&B (Snow White and Sleeping Beauty) in the incaRtata Valley is a “delicate show for children” on the theme of gender equality of the Onlife Theater project. Written and interpreted by Pino Costalunga, with the beautiful paper figures made by Gaia Bellini. To recreate the various settings, Bellini created a diorama where the characters played by Costalunga enter and leave. The proposal is a synthesis that unites: the skill of a young artist, puppetry and the technological possibilities that will allow Costalunga to extricate himself inside and outside the scenes, inside and outside the characters.

    Plot B&B (Snow White and Sleeping Beauty) in the incaRtata Valley

    Even in the IncaRtata Valley there are books with beautiful fairy tales, but when a few pages or corners of paper are torn and go away, in that special valley, fairy tales no longer go as they should.

    There, in the IncaRtata Valley, the Sleeping Beauty and Snow White naturally live there, but they are very worried, in fact the prince who should wake them up with a kiss does not arrive.

    What happened?

    No problem, B & B that is Snow White and Sleeping Beauty, the two famous Princesses, decide to look for the Prince and understand where he ended up and what happened to him?

    What if the Prince was held captive by a terrifying Fire-Breathing Dragon?But isn’t it the Princes, usually, who sets free the Princesses from the Dragons?It doesn’t matter, B&B will try to track down and hunt the Dragon in order to free the Poor Prince.

    In short, nothing in the IncaRtata Valley works as it should, but… it is much more beautiful this way and also more interesting and above all much, much more FUN …

    What to bring during the show

    Also in this Onlife Theater show, to encourage participation and interaction, children are asked to bring a series of objects. In this case

    • any object that allows them to become, according to their choice, the character of the dragon, the prince or the princess
    • a very large key
    • a plastic cup or, alternatively, a paper tube (such as toilet paper ones)

    In the download section you will find the instructions to make a finger puppet to hold, if you want, during the show.

    The Pied Piper’s Secret

    The Pied Piper’s Secret is based off of a German legend inspired by a 13th century pandemic that affected children. But why are we talking about a pandemic during the pandemic? To make hope and desire live. Humanity has already faced similar situations throughout history, managing to overcome them and acquiring greater awareness.


    In The Pied Piper’s Secret, three young actresses find themselves in the bizarre situation of being stranded, due to a problem with the city’s sewers, in a theater transformed for the occasion into a warehouse for food reserves. Noticing that they are not alone, they look for something, to be able to spend time together. But, trapped between shelves full of food, what can you do besides eat? Tell a story! But we need one that helps us understand what is happening, that makes us pass the fear but also makes us grow. So our protagonists take the opportunity to use the objects in the deposit to tell the story of the Pied Piper.The three actresses, letting themselves be taken by creativity, will create a whole new version of the fairy tale, much closer to the reality of these times: a city invaded by rats that destroy everything by forcing people to remain locked in the house. The solution could be to coordinate, find common solutions, but the divided and disinterested inhabitants prefer to wait for someone to solve the problem for them. So it’s up to the children and young people to manage the situation, studying how to defeat the rats, discovering that perhaps the Pied Piper is behind all this. By getting together at the forefront and sharing the importance of civic sense, they will ensure that the rats flee the city.


    The four seasons and little wind

    Good morning Spring!

    It’s me, Little Wind!
    I sing from above and I dive
    I slip into every chink in the air
    Blowing with a voice of thunder
    I ruffle the feathers of the sparrows
    Who laugh and laugh and laugh
    and fly high in the air.

    The show

    A show involving the youngest audience on the theme of the four seasons and listening to nature.

    Based on the music of Antonio Vivaldi’s “The Four Seasons”, an example of vital and inventive subject music, this sparkling story unfolds, following the adventures of Piccolo Vento with smiles and poetry, through the seasons and their changes: landscapes, colours, scents, nuances, sounds… and music.

    With the help of the three actors on stage, LittleWind talks to the audience, drawing the children’s attention to observing the small things in nature and listening to the musical story. The three actors on stage, alternating in dances and narrations, will play with the children to listen to the words of Little Wind and accompany him in his search for his mother Zephyrus, gliding harmoniously from one season to another.


    Giovannin without fear

    It may happen – or perhaps it has already happened – that some characters from the old fairy tales get lost in this world full of voices, messages, which arrive at every moment of the day and night more to confuse than to inform or tell.

    It can happen that these characters forget where they came from and cannot find their way back home.

    But we have provided a home and a voice for the ancient protagonists of fairy tales. In Giovannin senza paura an actor and four musicians “armed” with flute, clarinet, trombone and percussion tell their stories of losing and finding themselves: The story of a wolf that looks very much like the wolf in Little Red Riding Hood, but is the wolf in another story that takes place on the shores of Lake Garda, or the story of an old woman who could be the witch in Hansel and Gretel, but is not, or the story of a certain Giovannin who, without any fear, has already appeared in many other stories and finds himself stronger and more cunning than ever in this one.

    A narration and theatrical action with one actor and four instruments on stage, with original music by Gabrio Taglietti to give voice and home to ancient Italian fairy tales.

    A co-production set up in collaboration with Oficina OCM Orchestra da Camera di Mantova, original music composed by Gabrio Taglietti, with the contribution of Fondazione Cariverona within the project “Fatti di Musica”.

    The lucky devil

    Is luck a gift that is given to us or is it something that is created with a lot of effort and willpower? This is the question of the two strange friends who want to tell this story.

    And the story speaks precisely of this: of a boy who, despite being a child ended up in a well where he will find a strange old woman who will invest him with eternal fortune, will have to find, growing up, the strength and courage to overcome the thousand obstacles that arise. parano in front.
    A King envious of the boy’s luck and worried about losing the crown, will try in every way to get rid of him, sending him to hell to tear three golden hairs from the head of the Devil himself, just to get rid of him.
    The boy on the street will meet brigands, queens, strange old ladies, sphinxes with complex riddles and even an unhappy old rower and will come to discover that the Devil also has a grandmother (and what a grandmother)!
    It will be a journey full of courage, twists and turns to the last rhyme.

    Will our hero be able to return safe and sound from the hellish journey concocted by the evil King John?

    Is it really true that luck favors the bold?

    Find out with us!

    Hansel and Gretel and the poor witch

    The show

    Have you ever thought about the famous story of Hansel and Gretel from the point of view of the witch? Yes, that poor witch hungry for children who has devised so many tricks to capture her little victims and in the end becomes a victim herself of her own prey, thrown into the oven to burn! Well, in our story of witches there is not only one, but three and they are here to tell us, many years later, of the beautiful days when there were “such dark times and the children were good to eat”. Witches, as everyone knows, love to dress up to avoid being recognized by children. Hansel and Gretel, who are two good and intelligent children who have learned from their parents and books how life goes, immediately have strong suspicions, but alas, witches have magic on their side and not only manage to capture who they decide to have for lunch, but they involve all those they approach in a terrible confusion of rhymes, assonances and rhythms – because you must know that witches speak only in verse – … and so from the witches’ hunger and easy rhyme you are no longer saved, not even if you want to. But is more powerful Magic or Intelligence? What do you say? The theatrical version is a free adaptation from the famous tale of the same name by the Brothers Grimm.

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