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    Cipì | English version | Teatro DIM

    Cipì Teatro Ragazi

    Data - Ora
    11 Dicembre 2023 - 10:00 - 11:00

    Cipì | English version

    SCOLASTICA: Teatro Dim – Castelnuovo del Garda Compagnia: Fondazione Aida ets e I Muffins


    The show is inspired by the book of the same name by Mario Lodi. Cipì is an exuberant sparrow with a great desire to explore the world. Since his birth, the nest has been close to him and his mother’s advice is not enough to curb his curiosity: the desire to know the world is always stronger than any prudence.

    Finalità didattica

    The play develops themes for children formations: curiosity and desire to be themselves, which sometimes requires a bit of transgression; development of identity through experience and the fundamental role of parents in supporting this path; relationship with others, in terms of friendship and love.

    Età: scuola primaria dai 7 fino agli 11 anni


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